Originally Posted by WhoIsDaffy
Ho-hum. Too much non global warming theory, grammar and spelling errors to take anything of yours seriously. Well at least there is a link to a sports illustrated model.
The butterfly effect comparison to the theory of man made climate change is just that, a theory. Since the birth of the earth, weather has been ever changing. It is foolish to think that man can control global climate in any form.
The facts that oil companies make a lot of profit (profit is not evil) and that cap and trade is about wealth redistribution and profit are mutually inclusive. Some of what you complain about has merit but has little to do with the man-made global warming theory.
The hydrogen technology is simply too expensive and incomplete to be more efficient than these energy alternatives. Currently it takes 2.5 times as much energy to make a hydrogen fuel cell than is obtained from it during its service life.
* hydrogen is not freely available
* hydrogen is a gas at most temperatures, and particularly difficult to handle
* hydrogen is more dangerous than most substances; equipment owned by consumers would have to be checked periodically
* hydrogen production requires resources, and ultimately leads to energy loss.
When it becomes cheaper to produce or use, then you can complain why the world isn't using it. "Gasoline, by comparison, requires less energy input, per gallon, at the refinery, and comparatively little energy is required to transport it and store it owing to its high energy density per gallon at ambient temperatures. Well-to-tank, the supply chain for gasoline is roughly 80 percent efficient. The most efficient distribution is electrical, which is typically 95% efficient. Electric vehicles are typically 3 to 4 times as efficient as hydrogen powered vehicles". Source:
Okay people ABC Good Morning America has the solution:
Take your cordless phone out of the cradle and let the battery dissipate, but don't unplug the charger.
'Just On Thing' on 'GMA': Green Your Home Phone - GMA Mentioned on Air