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(#247 (permalink))
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Sangetsu (Offline)
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01-16-2010, 08:29 AM

Originally Posted by Ryzorian View Post
I'm fine with him believeing Chaos theory..eventually he will stop believeing man causes global warming because chaos theory states he will. Once he joins the rest of us in understanding global cycles and Newtons laws of physics, everything will be ok.

I know a bit about chaos theory, having read Lorenz and his discovery of it when using an old vacuum tube computer to make a self-contained weather environment. The problem with chaos is that one doesn't necessarily know the nature of strange attractors, and it's only after the fact that their net effect can be judged. The human influence could indeed do the opposite; increased Co2 increases plant life on the land and on the seas, which has the net effect of consuming Co2 at greater rate than would occur otherwise. The cycle could then reverse itself.

Unfortunately, climate modelers who can only get government grants if they support the political ideology of climate change have had to skew their numbers in order to make the results of their models compatible what the policy makers demand. Chaos or no chaos, doctored facts in the formula result in a doctored outcome in the model.

This is evident in that every climate model yet devised so far by the various scientists working for the IPCC has proven unreliable, even the most widely published one, which contains a margin of error of 600%. This model predicted temperature increases of 1 to 6 degrees over a century, but somehow was not able to predict the decline we are now experiencing.

If global warming is not a farce, why is the world now facing one of the coldest winters in memory?
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