Originally Posted by CCSUCaboose
Okay well I could only find out how to write katakana with my keyboard so I had to use a little Photoshop magic! Now, I found that the kanji for 'watashi' is what was used. But the book spelled it out 'watakushi' so I'm confused, but other than that... here it is:

The stuff surrounded in blue is the tiny hirigana they used next to the kanji to spell it out.
1. The "tiny hiragana" is called "furigana."
2. Without context (or kanji for すすめる), my best guess is: Lo, I exhort you (to do something) or Lo, I recommend (it) to you.
3. Kanji can be read multiple ways. 私 can be read, among other ways, as わたくし、わたし、etc. わたくし is more formal than わたし. I have occasionally used わたくし, but only rarely.
Fun tidbit I did not know until I looked it up: ごらん can mean "Lo" like the Biblical interjection.
Edit Dude, the translation into English is here:
Moroni 10 Looks like my translation was spot on.
Behold, I would exhort you