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CCSUCaboose (Offline)
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01-17-2010, 01:45 AM

Originally Posted by KyleGoetz View Post
Sorry about the previous post. I didn't see this post and didn't realize that you actually had an English copy of the Book of Moroni. I thought you were translating something like...some Japanese scholarship on the Book of Mormon that didn't exist in English, not the actual Book.

What I had meant that you were responding to with the above quote is that translating a Japanese translation into English is less efficient than just possessing the original English (since the Japanese was translated from the English, right?).

However, I see that you are translating it to learn Japanese, not to create an English copy of something.

After seeing the Japanese version of the Book of Mormon, I now advise you that it's not a good idea to learn Japanese by trying to translate the Book of Mormon. It's not written in language people use now. I have, zero times, heard someone start off a sentence with ごらん. That little bit you posted doesn't make me think it has been adapted to modern Japanese.

Of course, I'm just making recommendations. If you're already at a good enough level in Japanese to be translating the Book of Mormon, but are looking to polish off intermediate-to-advanced stuff, I suggest just translating online news articles.

But to each his own. I wouldn't dream of learning Japanese by reading and translating the Bible until I was already pretty advanced. I'm assuming you're not, since you don't know how to type Japanese on your computer yet.

Regardless, good luck! I was just trying to give you a religiously tolerant suggestion (I consider myself Mormon-friendly, though I'm not one).
Thanks for the suggestion, I probably will do some articles, but I'm gonna keep doing the BOM too.

Dude, you're like the dude of doodles.
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