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Idareyoutoclickthis (Offline)
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Join Date: Jan 2010
01-17-2010, 02:58 PM


I'm in a very similar situation. I met a Japanese family a few years ago, and after making friends with their daughter, I was invited around for dinner. I asked a load of questions while I was there, and was instantly curious. They were really easy for me to get along with, and very understanding and helpful. I would often stay there when my parents couldn't be bothered (which is almost all the time).

At the moment, I would love to visit Japan. I have a small job where I get money (and hide it from my parents) and have started studying the language and culture. My parents wouldn't care (I've made sure) but the only place I could afford would be a guest house. I really don't want's mostly English-speaking people there, not what I would like at all. So I wonder if there are any families who put forigners up? I would pay them of course....but I hope they won't speak English to me. I'd also want to take the free classes you mentioned?

And also, not in Tokyo. This is important...and if I could, not in a city? Near a city would be nice for the access to classes, but in a town near by or something would be much better. I hope I'm not being too picky, but I want to learn the right way (or at least, not the easy way). When I visit, I would be 17. I've planned on this for the past year but...I'm not sure how to get to know families to put me up. You stayed with families at first too, right? How does this work?
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