I hate to bump my own dead thread but eh, I finished subbing the video even though I don't have the dialogue %100 figured out. There are 8 parts where I can't understand the words, and it's marked by question marks in the subs. If someone could just tell those parts so I could finish this damn thing I'd really appreciate it.

Also, sorry for the low quality and that the first 4 seconds are cut off. This is the only RAW version I could find (although my subs are so big I could've subbed over the english ones

I may have made some retarded mistakes so please tell me if you see any. This is my first time subbing in Japanese and you wouldn't believe how long I had to troubleshoot my code to get the kana to display properly, even now my position codes were overridden D': not that it matters in this instance though.
Sorry about the romaji.
YouTube - Nihongo Dekimasu EP 1 Japanese and Romaji subs LQ Part 1