Originally Posted by andyman
Hi there! I'm Andy and I love Japan! I went on a trip to Japan this past August and loved it so much that I decided to go back. I'm hoping to go back to Japan to teach English in about a year and a half. Since then, I've been using Rosetta Stone to learn Japanese. It's much harder than I thought it would be!
I graduated from Washington State University in 2007 with a degree in elementary education. While doing my student teaching, I realized that teaching children wasn't something I was ready to devote myself to, so after I graduated, I got a job working at a winery. It turns out they wanted people with Elementary Education degrees!
If you would like to get to know me better, please feel free to reply to this post!
Heya and ようこそ
Can I just say, you like the Rosetta stone

I have never heard of anyone rating it for Japanese. Have a look around and see what other people use if you are finding that too difficult, there is lots of choice out there.
Where abouts in Japan did you visit?
I also want to go and teach in Japan, waiting to hear back from the JET Programme right now! Unlike you I am loving the teaching modules I am studying in my Undergrad degree and my time spent volunteering in elementary (and now upper) schools