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princessmarisa (Offline)
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01-17-2010, 07:02 PM

Originally Posted by RobinMask View Post
This seems a little strange to me. . . You're asking that people help you find this girl's contact email address, so you can speak to her? Sorry if I've misunderstood and that's not your intent, however if it is then surely if this girl wanted you to have her email address surely she'd have given it to you? In which case surely its an invasion of her privacy to go snooping it out?
I thought this also, perhaps he just wants her profile translating so he can figure out how to contact.

If that is the case OP, go to her profile page on the site you linked, sign up to it yourself and send her a message, if you don't have the Japanese skills to do this you need to consider the point of trying to chat up a Japanese girl anyway!

If you want us to help tell you what to say in the message to win her over, um I guess someone here might help you, but it isn't a dating sim game where a certain answer = win cute Japan girl

Fighting ignorance and slaying a few narutards whilst I am at it.
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