Originally Posted by princessmarisa
Heya and ようこそ
Can I just say, you like the Rosetta stone  I have never heard of anyone rating it for Japanese. Have a look around and see what other people use if you are finding that too difficult, there is lots of choice out there.
Where abouts in Japan did you visit?
I also want to go and teach in Japan, waiting to hear back from the JET Programme right now! Unlike you I am loving the teaching modules I am studying in my Undergrad degree and my time spent volunteering in elementary (and now upper) schools
I actually like Rosetta Stone a lot. It's way better than me trying to learn it from a book!
I was in Osaka for most of the time, but I spent a little time in Kyoto too.
How is JET? They were the ones I was thinking of getting involved with. I've heard they pay the best and treat you the best.
Haha, teaching just wasn't something I was prepared to do three years ago. I guess I hadn't grown up enough yet. How are you enjoying your teaching experience?