Conceptual Doubt
Posts: 507
Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: ポルトガル
01-18-2010, 10:54 AM
To add a few minor suggestions to the story, in the future, (rather then the construction of it, Colombine pointed it right already) i guess you should be more especific on what kind of powers are those, why do they have a "fire" element or a "icy" element, who are the "bad guys", and present some "bad-ass" antagonist like Charles zi Britannia from Code Geass. (if you've seen it and you know what i mean)
Its just some minor suggestions to the story if you continue it.
Overall, if you can develop the characters like colombine pointed, it might come out something original and entertaining. Who knows.
I wish you luck.
Too many people spend money they haven't earned, to buy things they don't want, to impress people they don't like.