Thread: Complaints?
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JF Ossan
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Join Date: Jun 2007
01-19-2010, 10:42 AM

I am just going to respond to this as myself. My opinion does not necessarily reflect the opinions of other mods or users.

Originally Posted by WhoIsDaffy View Post
To be honest,

the only complaint i have is that there is any moderation at all.
There are tons of sites with no moderation. No one has forced you to use this site.

Originally Posted by WhoIsDaffy View Post
pictures fair enough, however all that we have here are words.

words are ideas.

to censor language is to censor the mind.

there is absolutely NO EXCUSE for this.

to protect children, etc. its all nonsense.
The goal, as I see it, is to have this be a place where anyone can come here and not worry about obviously objectionable material and language. As both minors and adults have an interest in Japan, it makes sense to maintain a site that is accessible to both.

Originally Posted by WhoIsDaffy View Post
the internet is now (sadly) the last truly mass media communication tool that is not censored.

the one place where you can say what you want.

governments are trying their best to put an end to this of course.

the first tools that the gov will need to end net neutrality are being pushed through as we speak.
(under the guise of anti copyright-theft laws)

already in countries such as china and australia, the government has the ability to block any website it chooses.

there is absolutely no oversight in terms of which websites are blocked but the list of "illigal" websites will remain completely secret. and there is no channel of apeal.

if we do not cherish and fight for the freedoms we have, then they will quietly be taken away from us, one by one.
By CHOOSING to be a member of Japan Forum you are CHOOSING to accept the rules as they have been presented to you. No one is forced to be a member here, and certainly there are sites that fit your needs better.

Originally Posted by WhoIsDaffy View Post
if the government has its way.
"i hate the gov. mr president/prime minister is a complete c0cknugget, lets all protest at "location x" tommorow and f00k some sh1t up. Anarchy in the UK!!!!"

i would get my internet connection terminated and put on a black list of people who would not be able to get internet acces (which as more services require online connection would have a detrimental effect on my life)

or worse i could face imprisonment.
(and its not as far off as you may think!!!)

one day we will look back at this time.
we will tell our children and our grandchildren and they won't believe us.

"what you mean you could say anything you wanted and never get in trouble??"
No one will be imprisoned by anyone connected to JF by anything posted on JF.

Originally Posted by WhoIsDaffy View Post
and again i bring it back to the "protection of children"
the Australian gov is using the protection of children as justification to block websites (i.e. kiddy porn)
So you are pro kiddy-porn?

Originally Posted by WhoIsDaffy View Post
however its not too much of a leap to block for example images of war victims or other things that don't shine a positive light on the things being done in our name, under the guise of, protecting children.
You make these leaps on your own.

Originally Posted by WhoIsDaffy View Post
will any of this have any impact on this site.

no, no it wont.

the mods have power, and like all with power they wont give it up.
I am happy to give up my mod rights immediately. If I thought there were people who would take over and maintain JF as I have enjoyed it, I would have no problem giving up my mod rights. What I get from being a mod is a sense of responsibility for the site. Not much more.

Originally Posted by WhoIsDaffy View Post
they will of course use fearmongering to justify the deletion of posts, the censorship of ideas, thier validity and neccessity of thier existence.
"Fearmongering". What an interesting term to use. Please describe the "fearmongering" you or any user you know has been a victim of.

Originally Posted by WhoIsDaffy View Post
clear spamming (repeat posting), posting adds fair enough - as this is not what the forum is about. however

anything else. any exchange of an idea, thats what a forum is about.

If i were a MOD i would not delete a single post unless it was repeat spam or advertising.

people getting banned etc. for insulting others.

but again its hypocracy.

"god does not exist, and jesus was a lesbian"

to some, that phrase is so offensive that people would seriously injure me or even want to kill me for that,

to others

"god exists and Jesus died for your sins"

is equally offensive to other people.

and this does is not just in the world of religion, (i am just using this as an example.)
and the problem is that it is up to the mods to decide on thier own whim what that is.
That's the rules of this forum. It isn't a democracy, free country, or public decision. These are the rules of this forum. Like it or lump it. You agreed to them when you signed up.

Originally Posted by WhoIsDaffy View Post
however this is turning into a rant.

so i'm going to end with 2 suggestions.

1. please get rid of the SPAMS/BANS/FLAMES thread.
this has a very bad effect on the forum, tell on your neighbour. this is not the kind of behavior that should be encouraged. this is police state behavior.
if people have an issue they can PM a mod.
also as there are so many mods online so much it seems a little defunct to me.

2. how about,
before something is removed, a person is banned etc..
a vote is taken on it?
this would not apply to spam and advertising.
but i think a vote with 24hrs would be a good idea.

this would be a good replacement for the SPAM/BANS/FLAMES thread.
and if it is the "community to decide" where is the issue (oh yea it takes power from the mods, better do some fearmongering to shoot this idea down )

freedom, liberty, fraternity - how about we live by those morals?
Spammers work in moments and minutes. The bureaucracy of a "vote" for 24 hours would only allow spammers to run rampant. And then when they are banned, they make a new account 10 minutes bureaucracy. I can't honestly believe you think this is a good idea.

Again this isn't a "community decides" forum. The mods and admins have been chosen, for whatever reason, to keep the forum clean as they see fit. if you don't like it you certainly have the choice to not participate.
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