Originally Posted by dpg
@ben: What i understood is that the final char in the "ー" marks an extended vowel. And why should i wait with the tattoo?
@Hideo: Yes i understood that it would be te-shi, and that this is the closest u get to the real name.
But i am glad i found out that the katakana spelling is what i was hoping it would be.
There are actually two "ー" characters in japanese. One's the extension the other is an actual kanji meaning one. To an experienced eye they can be clearly distinguished from each other, especially in brush-type scripts like you posted (although I personally see the one you posted as an extension.) Basically the former is literally just a straight line and the kanji has a little flick at the right-hand end although in a lot of typing they're pretty much identical.
Try and find a tattooist who knows a modicum of japanese if you can; it'll look more natural if he 'writes' it rather than 'draws' it.