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(#7 (permalink))
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hatsuto11 (Offline)
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01-19-2010, 04:27 PM

Originally Posted by KyleGoetz View Post
1. こどもをなくする is "to lose a child" not "not to have children"
2. I've got a lot of things I want to say even to me.
4. 持ちきれない means "too many to hold/carry"; here, 〜きれない is an auxiliary verb meaning "being too many/much"
6. "Ruby characters have been added to this book so that even an elementary school student can read it." Ruby character - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
7. "In order to finish as planned, please decide on a plan."
KyleGoetzさん、お助けてくれてありがとうございました( ^-^)

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