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(#555 (permalink))
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Koir (Offline)
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01-20-2010, 05:16 AM

Originally Posted by YuriTokoro View Post
Does “its” mean “JF’s”?
“not to mention its continued success” = “to say nothing of JF’s continued success” ?
You mean “JF has been going well and it is needless to say” with “not to mention its continued success” ?
In this case, "it's" is a contraction of "It is" and refers to the role individuals like you play in keeping JapanForum a successful site on the internet for cultural exchange.

The two phrases you quoted have essentially the same meaning, as Colin Howell pointed out (mentioning something by apparently not mentioning it). However, both phrases cannot be used in the same sentence as they require slightly different contexts and sentence structures. That way, the concept of getting the reader's attention to a concept by appearing not to mention it is communicated successfully.

Apologies if I continue to cause confusion, Yuri. As ColinHowell wrote earlier, this is a case of a native English speaker using a complex expression to communicate concepts without truly knowing what is being said.

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