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MMM (Offline)
JF Ossan
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01-20-2010, 10:16 PM

Originally Posted by marqus View Post
Cheers MMM,

are you a native speaker or you have learned it. I am using online sources to learn Jap language. So i can communicate with Japanese people kindly.

Would like to work in Japan in the near future...any quick way to achieve this??


I have been a student of Japanese for about 20 years.

Please don't use the the term "Jap".

There is no quick way to achieve anything, but with hard work and dedication I am sure you will succeed.

I would recommend investing in a beginner's text book, (Genki, Youkoso, etc.) as you will get a more organized structure to your studying. With a strong foundation you can build a better language structure. Chats and free Internet sites will likely not give you a strong foundation, so I do not recommend that.
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