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01-21-2010, 06:10 PM

Originally Posted by JasonTakeshi View Post
Normality is set by the majority, but its not universally. Its up to each individual group to set it as they like it, within the group.

So let me give you some examples of what is considered "normal" within islamic countries, comparing to Catholic countries:

[Islamic Countries] - It is normal for a man to marry 4 women.
[Catholic Countries] - It is normal for a man to marry just one women.

[Islamic Countries] - It is normal for a women to have her hair covered.
[Catholic Countries] - It is normal for a women to have her hair exposed.

And i can point out many more differences of "normality" from those 2.

It was religion who dictated (sorta) the "norms" on the majority of those countries.

So, again, if your a woman and you have your hair exposed in an islamic country, your not normal.

If your a woman and you have your hair covered in an Catholic country, your not normal.

Normality is defined by social groups, but its not an universal definition.
You had to put religion beliefs and usages to counter argue even though we are not talking about those at all. The analogy is completely wrong, because both call monogamy and bigamy the same way. It would be the same as our situation if Christians called monogamy marrying one woman and Islams call monogamy marrying 2+ women.

Anyways, it's clear you just don't want to accept it. The majority wouldn't call Lucy cute because she actually isn't cute. If you say otherwise, you're not normal. Simple as that. No need to put religious BS.

Since when is it immature to talk about pudding? Seriously, do you know the meaning of mature?
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