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JF Ossan
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Join Date: Jun 2007
01-21-2010, 11:34 PM

Originally Posted by synok View Post
Hey guys,

I was just wondering if there is a possability to move to Tokyo, Japan?

Currently im living and studying in Sweden. But I got a big interest in Japan so now when this summer comes in, I need to get a work. I thought to continue study there and then after study, I thought to work there. But is it just that easy? Would be great. What do I need to prepare to move there, and is it possible?


- Lars
The short answer is "no, it is not just that easy".

It sounds like you are looking into a working holiday visa, which could be a good way to spend the summer. You need to apply to schools and be accepted before you can then get a student visa. You then need to apply to jobs and be accepted before getting a working visa. I understand changing visas is not always all that easy, but people do it every day
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