Originally Posted by TalnSG
RFID blocking wallets have been on the market for several years and are even less obvious and easier to use than the boxes Nyororin mentioned.
You`re right - I totally forgot about those. I`m female, so there really aren`t many options in that department for me. All the RFID blocking wallets seem to be made for men.
Originally Posted by jesselt
Despite the fact that purposefully deactivating the chip is probably against the law, there is no one sitting at a computer watching your every move anyways. If you really are law abiding then you shouldn't care if you have to carry an identification card or not.
I am actually for the cards, but I disagree with this. Using the cards for limited identification purposes is one thing - but monitoring is another. There is always the potential for the data to be abused... Even if not deliberately, mistakes can be made. It doesn`t really matter if you are law abiding or not.
The card will make things easier, but I assume I`ll be putting it into an RFID blocking slip like my RFID credit cards.