Thread: Rent a Flat
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Sashimister (Offline)
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01-22-2010, 02:02 AM

Originally Posted by sarasi View Post
What makes you think she doesn't own the apartment, Sashimister? For all you know she does. I have female Japanese friends who own apartments in central Tokyo, so it's not impossible that milimari owns this apartment and is not trying to sublet. Can you think of a reason why she would jeopardise her own occupation of the apartment by subletting it to a foreigner in particular, who would obviously stand out as not being the original occupant even more? I'm willing to bet that she owns it.
I never stated that she didn't own it. In fact, I even put it in a question form.

I said what I said because:

1. Some Japanese aren't aware that sublets are illegal. I myself hadn't known for sure until a few weeks ago when I heard a lawer speak on the matter on TV.

2. The OP used the term "flat". An English-speaking Japanese would have used "condo" instead. A Japanese with less English knowledge would have used "mansion".

3. Just in case she didn't own her unit, I didn't want to see JF sponsoring an illegal add.

I don't wish to disuss who is "guesing" right since that's pointless, but I do want to stress that my post had nothing to do with gender of the OP in case that's what you thought I was implying.
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