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Sashimister (Offline)
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01-23-2010, 06:14 AM

Originally Posted by Alicia22 View Post
My friend and me are going to Tokyo this year (september) and I came across this Kamogawa Seaworld park. We really want to go there, and I looked for some travel info. I know train tickets are expensive so I read on the website it's about 2 hours away from Tokyo station. (our hotel is located in Shinagawa)

I was a bit shocked when I saw prices around 150 Euro's. So, I was wondering, if anybody visit this Seaworld park as well and how much they had to spent for train tickets?

I really hope there is a cheaper way. Otherwise, I have to think about it if it's worth the high price.

Another question, is the Japanese Rail Pass really that recommanded? I mean, when I only want to travel through Tokyo itself, it's not that expensive, right? The pass is around 300 Euro's (13 days). I just can't imagine (except for the long distance trips, but only Tokyo?) I will get that amount only for travel tickets.
Where did it say that it cost you 150 Euros to get from Shinagawa to Kamogawa Sea World?

One-way fare is 2,210 yen between Shinagawa and Awa Kamogawa. That's less than 20 Euros, isn't it?

They have a free shuttle bus between Awa Kamogawa station and the Sea World.

And don't get the JR pass unless you are doing lots of long-distance traveling by train. If you stay around Tokyo, you will lose lots of money if you buy the pass.
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