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KyleGoetz (Offline)
Attorney at Flaw
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The different readings of 止める - 01-24-2010, 07:48 AM

I've got a question about the three readings of 止める that I know of: やめる、とめる、とどめる

In this case, とめる is to stop the physical movement of an object, right? 車をとめる、自転車をとめる are OK. What about ボールをとめる?

やめる is to stop, what, an action? 会議をやめる? ミーティングをやめる?

How would you distinguish it from とどめる then? “とどめる”の検索結果(62 件):英辞郎 on the Web:スペースアルク There it looks like とどめる is exclusively used to refer to minimizing effects and stuff like that.

Am I correct? Thanks!
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