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SceptileMaster (Offline)
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01-24-2010, 10:49 PM

I was getting worried for a minute when I thought that I was supposed to be speaking monotone. I try to copy the variations in pitch I hear in dramas and such, I just hope I'm doing it right (probably not but all I can do is try my best).

The one where you spoke Japanese with a stress accent was funny because it sounded like alot of the people in my Japanese class. Alot of them don't seem to realise the pronouncing い like the 'i' in the english word 'fit' probably does not sound like the same vowel to a Japanese person.


Originally Posted by KyleGoetz View Post
I learned to roll my r's in Spanish similarly: by making an extremely forceful "t" sound until my tongue would flap around a bit in my mouth. Then I learned to control that flapping, which eventually became my nice rolling "r."
It's strange. I moved from Scotland to England when I was 8 and can roll my r's very easily but since my brother was 5 when he moved he can't. I wonder how long it takes for different nuances in accents to develop.

Last edited by SceptileMaster : 01-24-2010 at 10:52 PM.
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