Originally Posted by KyleGoetz
I figured that's what you meant, yuriyuri: that the monotone was just a phase to help on your way to gaining a better accent. I just wanted to clarify for OP that you didn't literally mean "monotone is the correct Japanese accent."
Ah ok
Anyway, like you said in one of your recordings it's quite a difficult subject to explain through text, so I was quite glad that you put up both of your recordings, they were quite interesting to listen to, even for someone who already knows about pitch accents
Also, I have to agree with SceptileMaster on the stress accent one you did.
It cracked me up
It's been so long since I heard anyone speak Japanese like that, that I forgot how awful it can sound.
It just reminds me of those people who go on through their entire Japanese learning adventure completely ignoring pronounciation and accent. Sometimes it can make things so difficult to understand.
Anyway, thanks for putting up those recordings, good stuff