Originally Posted by StonerPenguin
By the way, how would you translate "オイ、初めて会った人にそういう紹介のしかたはないだろ"? I read somewhere that しかたがない is an expression meaning 'it's inevitible' or 'it can't be helped' however, he's saying "Oi, I don't think you should introduce me to someone I've met for the first time in such a way." Is that right? I just wasn't sure, and when in doubt it's good to ask.
Read carefully where I highlighted in red. We are talking about two different phrases here.
がない means what you said it does. "It's inevitable."
はない means "It isn't a cool way to do ~~". This ない all by itself means "not cool", "not good enough", etc. in colloquial Japanese. Around Tokyo, we say it ねー colloquially.
That translation of the sentence is right though it's wordy. The nuance is "Hey, that's no way to introduce me when I've met someone for the first time."
And one more question; I read in my book that women can't use だろう at the end of a sentence, yet Erin says 何だろう in the「これは何?」part. So is it okay now for wome to say だろう? (My textbook is 15 years old..) Or was it only okay for her to say it because it was the anime Erin? I know that anime characters talk unrealistically, so I wanted to ask you
You've got the wrong book, cadet.

That it's 15 years old is of little importance. Erin speaking as an anime character or in live action has nothing to do with it, either. I'm as old as Madonna and I've been hearing women say だろう all my life. Even my both grandmas used it.
I might need to mention, however, that both men and women equally use だろう when they say "I wonder ~~~", yet to mean "something
will happen.", men might use だろう more often than women.