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clarke88 (Offline)
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Dissertation Questions - Your opinion! - 01-25-2010, 06:18 PM

I am a third year textile design student attending the University of Leeds writing a dissertation on How the Western Fashion Industry has Influenced Japanese Trends and Consumers Attitudes Towards Fashion.

It would be very much appreciated if you could take time to fill out this questionnaire. All answers will be confidential and will only be used for my dissertation. Thank you very much.

1. Where does your inspiration come from when putting an outfit together?
2. Why do you dress in Japanese street fashion? Does it express your personality/identity?
3. How long does it take you to put an outfit together?
4. Do other cultures such as the Western culture influence your fashion?
4. Is it important to keep Japanese culture and traditional costume within your designs?
5. In your opinion do you think Japanese fashion is becoming more westernised?
6. Is the internet influencing Japanese fashion?
7. Where do you see Japanese fashion going in the future? Do you think the traditional garments such as the kimono will no longer be made?

Thank you very much for your time
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