Originally Posted by Sashimister
I just had my son and three of his friends (all native Tokyoites and HS seniors) listen to your video with the subs hidden. On the average, they understood about 30% of what was said.
I myself got around 60% but that might be because I was looking at the subs, too. Another reason would be that I'm more used to communicating with non-Japanese people than those high schoolers.
Good luck with your studies.
(Wonder where you learned to say わたし with such a big accent on the た syllable? That's how a Japanese comedian says it when playing the part of a foreign person.)
Thank you so much for your help. I guess i have alot of work to do on my japanese. I was trying to be really dramatic in the video so thats probably why i put so much stress on the ta in watashi. It was really nice getting this type of feedback. thanks! =D