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(#86 (permalink))
JF Old Timer
Posts: 362
Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: japan (i wish)
ok - 04-01-2007, 07:42 PM

Yes that was the second movie. I dont think the thing was an oni. It was somthing else but I cant remember what it was called. He didnt exactly grant wishes he just made people dream good stuff.

If the store you buy anime has the first Urusei Yatsura (LUM) movie then I would recomend buying it. Most stores dont carry ANY of the DVD's anymore. Most of my Urusei Yatsura collection I got off the internet. You can get box sets from the animeigo official site. Also, of course ebay, amazon, and froogle. If you dont want to spend to much money, I would recomend signing up for netflix. They have the whole seriese, all the movie, and the OVA's.
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