01-25-2010, 11:40 PM
1) Is it sartorial? Bold without being garish? If yes, I wear it. If not, I tone it down.
2) I don't dress in Japanese street fashion, by the definition westerners have of it. I do dress in Japanese labels and walk on Japanese streets. I photograph Japanese street fashion.
3) This depends on entirely too many factors. However long it takes to meet 1) for a given situation.
4-b) No, but given my location, I do not think I have much choice in being influenced by fashion in Japan.
4-a) I gain inspiration everywhere. National Geographic is inspirational.
5) That ship sailed in the Meiji era. The vast majority of Japanese clothing, and I mean pretty much all of it, flows directly from Western styles. Perhaps with Japanese accents, but a two button suit or skirt or jeans- they are Western pieces.
6) Yes. The Internet is influencing global fashion; see Tavi Gevinson.
7) This is two questions. I see Japanese fashion as continuing to take Western fashion and reconstructing it. Changing up the combinations or using Japanese prints and fabrics with Western cuts. As for traditional kimono, yukata, happi, etc, we will never see that disappear. To many holidays and special occasions call for those garments.
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