Originally Posted by burkhartdesu
When I was in Japan for a brief student-exchange, we (the American students) and the Japanese students were all asked to raise our hand if we know a teenager who was/is pregnant.
Several of the Americans raised their hand, and NONE of the Japanese kids did.
We were also asked if we knew a teenager who had had an abortion; several of us raised our hands but once again NONE of the Japanese students did.
I don't think it was dishonesty... I just don't think they're having sex. 
Having gone to a Japanese high school - and an all girls one at that... I don`t quite think you`re right on that one. There is just a lot more at stake and a lot more education about it.
The circumstances are simply different. Most girls I knew had their first time at a hotel - bathed, clean, with ample condoms at hand that were put to use. There was a "myth" going around that the first time was easier than normal to get pregnant, so people were CAREFUL. The sheer cost of abortion also makes it very hard to get one easily (around $1000 if you`re lucky and catch it in the first few weeks). A stronger family life also makes a difference as parents seems to be more likely to care and pay attention to their children, so it would be harder to hide.
Unless, of course, there is family participation. If mom and dad decide that their little girl isn`t going to have a baby at 16... No one has to know.