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JF Ossan
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01-26-2010, 01:55 AM

Originally Posted by JasonTakeshi View Post
So your pretty much saying that if i name my son "Astronomical" or "Heavenly-body" he might get social reprisals for carrying a "non-name" name?

I dont see why "Astronomical Smith" wouldn't fit as a doctor's name.
I mean,individually, it would not change his capacities to perform his duties.

But within the society, generalizing, it might even cost him future opportunities.

How trivial society is (generalizing) to doom one by its name instead by its skills.

Edit: I guess you already know where this is going. (I assume)
If not, i can go straight to the point. But i dont want to go off-topic.
If you named your sone Astronomical he will pay for it for sure. Not he might get social reprisals...he WILL get social reprisals.

It absolutely will cost him future opportunities unless he changes it himself. You might as well dress him in girl's clothes from the day he is born.

It is not society being trivial...and you can pretend to be "better" than society by saying you don't paint a picture in your head of what someone is like by their name...but this is part of how society remains society.

Please feel free to go straight to the point.
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