Sashimister, you've been such a great help, I feel like I should be paying you

Yeah, the whole 'women can't use darou at the end of a sentence' thing bothered me when I read it but I couldn't recall any instance of a woman saying だろう at the time so I've been on the look out for it. And the weird thing is I have two books from different publishers that say that! Why!?
Thanks for the translation help, I was wondering if the particle changed the nuance, thank you for your detailed explaination, I'm learning Japanese by myself so having someone to ask about these things is so very helpful.
Also "Around Tokyo, we say it ねー colloquially." I've seen that before in a manga, (I know, I'm nerdy for reading those, but it's easier) it was 「行かねーよ」ah, that makes sense now

When I read what you posted I had a moment of realization

I'm learning so much
I actually haven't been doing any of the subs lately cuz of homework, and because happens to be way more fun the timing subs
But I'm gonna get back on it, and I had someone on complain about the romaji. And while I do agree that romaji is bad I thought it'd be easier for me to focus on the sounds and words if it was in romaji but now even I wish the romaji was gone... But I still want this to be something that begginers could use. What do you guys think? Maybe I'll do the first few episodes like this and then I'll have hiragana subs replace the romaji ones.. Sorry for all the rambling