Originally Posted by StonerPenguin
Yeah, the whole 'women can't use darou at the end of a sentence' thing bothered me when I read it but I couldn't recall any instance of a woman saying だろう at the time so I've been on the look out for it. And the weird thing is I have two books from different publishers that say that! Why!? 
That must be an North American myth of a sort. As I stated last time, women do use だろう all the time. However, after mumbling to myself tens of possible sentences ending with だろう, I've found another usage where women might not use だろう nearly as often as men do. (The usage I mentioned at the bottom of my last post still stands.)
もう何回も言っただろう! I've told you so many times!
マック行きたくねーよ。オレがハンバーガーきらいだっ て知ってんだろう! I don't wanna go to McDonald's. You know I don't like burgers, dontcha?
You will not hear wome say the above too often under normal circumstances. BUT young women do use だろう in these when they are talking to close fiiends. In casual situations, both men and women tend to speak differently depending on the gender of the listener.
Seriously, though, I could not think of any phrase where women can't use だろう. It's a matter of frequency but not one of presence and total absence.
But I'm gonna get back on it, and I had someone on japaneseclass.jp complain about the romaji. And while I do agree that romaji is bad I thought it'd be easier for me to focus on the sounds and words if it was in romaji but now even I wish the romaji was gone... But I still want this to be something that begginers could use. What do you guys think? Maybe I'll do the first few episodes like this and then I'll have hiragana subs replace the romaji ones.. Sorry for all the rambling
My opinion on romaji is so clear that it constitutes my signature. But I also know that many Japanese learners won't ever listen to me. If they keep using romaji, they will suffer the consequences. The consequences are grave as they will be something like "not ever being able to read or write Japanese". That's half of what you can do with a language in the first place. Read, write, speak and listen.
One thing is clear. Had I been an English-learner that preferred writing English using kana just because I was Japanese and felt more "comfortable" with kana than the alphabet, I wouldn't be posting on JF or reading books or websites in English now.