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metalmark666 (Offline)
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Post 01-26-2010, 09:23 PM

Originally Posted by Webfehler View Post
hm, looks interesting.. I'll read it as soon as i've got the chance
have you done it just for fun or was it more like a planned project?
The diary was never intended to turn out like this. I obviously kept my diary through the whole three months, but it was only when I was typing it up when I got back, did I begin to elaborate on the daily content and then once that was complete, I started to add the extra bits at the end and had the idea for the contents pages.
I just wanted it to be fun, interesting and informative and inspire other people to have an amazing adventure like the one I had.

I hope that you both manage to have a look and enjoy it, please return with your comments as I am interested in finding out what people think of my diary.

Please read my diary that I wrote when travelling and working in Japan for three months. It is also packed full of information. I hope that it can inspire you to have an adventure too.
Please contact me if I can help you with advice or information.

Japan 2008: Memoires of a Gaijin A.K.A. A Journey Through the Land of the Rising Sun
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