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01-27-2010, 12:18 AM

Originally Posted by JasonTakeshi View Post


That's why i'm saying society needs to be more tolerant.

An individual name does not change the individual capacities. Yet, it changes his opportunities. (regarding this imaginary case)
How can you be so sure of this?
I DO believe it would have an effect on the individual capabilities. The name will not suddenly appear the day he gets his medical degree - it will be there ALL his life. He would have been treated differently for it through his entire life, and opportunities along the way may have been closed because of that name. There may be learning chances that he was passed over on because of his name - or which he passed on himself because of the name (embarassment).

I once knew a girl in Japan whose was here on study from Mexico - and her last name was Baca. I don`t think she took a single extra course and avoided field trips and any other occasion that might bring attention to her name. She avoided talking to Japanese people, and kept her head low through the stay. She lost a lot of opportunities because of it, and it was a foreign name that people were understanding about once they realized this...

She passed the course... But that doesn`t mean that her skills at the end were anywhere near those who had been taking all the opportunities available to them.

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