Originally Posted by manganimefan227
While we're on the subject . . .
Natsumi means summer beauty, Heavenly body doesn't sound right apparently, So does Natsumi sound right?
Yes, because it's a recognized name and to the listener doesn't actually literally mean 'summer beauty'. Suppose I said ' I know one of the Pinchbeck's sons' to you? Would you automatically think, "ah yes, a type of silver"? No, because it's a name and it doesn't directly hold that kind of semantic information.
I mean, you'd never use the same 'Natsumi' 夏美 to describe the beauty of summer as a noun. It would probably more like 'Natsu no mi' at the least.
Thinking of it the other way, it's the same as trying to say 'Diana is a princess, 'Sarah' means princess, therefore, Diana is a Sarah."
But Tentai literally means 'heavenly body' and as far as most people are concerned, it doesn't carry any other kind of meaning. That's why it sounds weird when you put it in a name situation.