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(#32 (permalink))
TokyoMadman (Offline)
Posts: 6
Join Date: Jan 2010
01-27-2010, 12:12 PM

This thread seems a little pointless.
Does anyone even eat the food of a single culture?
I very much doubt it. And what of the Japanese "interpritation" of western food?
The staples really are pretty similar, beef, pork, wheat, rice, fish.
All that really changes is the flavour/spice combo and perhaps the serving.
Can i eat the food as is the culture in Japan, yes indefinitly, as the culture in Japan includes KFC, Pasta, Pizza, curry, steak etc.
but thats the culture of REAL Japan,
would I be able to eat only the food in the fantasy japanese culture that exists only in the minds of some of you lot out there.
No, I wont be having Miso soup for breakfast
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