Thread: Miyako Odori
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01-27-2010, 01:48 PM

Originally Posted by kalcia View Post
One would assume, but often I find that even if there is website in english, staff is very poor at comunicating in this language
I might try calling them and TRY making reservation in english, if that fails, I'll have to find someone to help ^^;;;
Here's a post from another website by someone who was in a similar situation in 2008 as you are now.

"Ok I just got my tickets last night after going through a somewhat similar ordeal. Here's what I did:
Call the theater directly. You have to dial 011 81 before the number listed on the website. Make sure you call when the theater is open. I assume it closes between 4 and 5, as this was when I tried unsuccessfully to reserve tickets last time I called.

Ask to speak to someone who speaks English. It might take a moment for them to find someone, it did with me. They will ask you what dates you would like, what times, and what type of tickets. In my case only the showing I wanted to see was sold out, but it seems there are more than what is listed on the site, because I was offered a "6:30" option, from what is sounded like.

If you are flexible with the dates, ask if they have any available around that day, or consider moving up to first class. It isn't much more, and there are more tickets left.

The phone call will probably cost you a little, because it's international, but you need to actually speak to someone to find out if there are tickets or not. That's probably going to be your best option."
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