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Columbine (Offline)
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01-27-2010, 02:13 PM

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
Whether that has roots in other countries is something you can argue, but by that argument there is almost NOTHING that can be considered "American food". Pizza, pasta, cheeseburgers, steak, fried chicken, BBQ, all came from somewhere else.

Again, the basis of my question, if you choose to answer it is, how long could you go WITHOUT food you are accustomed to at home?
That's why 'American' food is much harder to define. It's an indistinct creature with a polygamous background, much more so than Japan, where there are things that are distinctly Japanese. Dried bonito. Miso.

I have answered the question, but if you mean, how long could I go if I purposefully selected food stuffs solely on the grounds of they are not something I can eat in England, despite availability or social normality, possibly only a fortnight. It depends on a lot of factors.

But still, that's kind of ridiculous; and the point of why probably so many people are saying they could go some considerable time. The fact that ingredients are available, and that western ways of eating are incorporated into Japanese food anyway, makes the question moot. What happens is that people living abroad balance their eating probably in favour of 'japanese food' but with 'western' treats now and then to take the edge off. They might not revert back to a western diet, but it's mad to say that they would have to cut it out completely when there are chocolate bars and sandwiches hanging around and are a perfectly normal part of food in Japan. And carrots and chicken are carrots and chicken regardless of where you are and what you do to them.

I think provided you are happy and enjoy being adventurous with food, then there is no reason why you can't go a long time before you really start to crave home foods. That's how it is for me, anyway.

I do agree though, that people who think they could go years are probably kidding themselves. I'd say 6 months would be more realistic and actually somewhat impressive.

^^; sorry to pull things apart so much MMM, I know you only meant this to be straight-forward. Your question has certainly raised some interesting points!
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