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(#3 (permalink))
Jwear (Offline)
New to JF
Posts: 3
Join Date: Jan 2010
01-28-2010, 09:54 PM

Photographer, models and interns from different jobs do not get any fees at first job, thus this is an apportunity to show theyre skills.

Our budget is limited at the moment and thus cannot spare any money up front. You have to see this through our situation, what would you do?

In any case this is the way it works in europe, how does the cutsoms in japan work, are they differnet? We are necesserly not looking for any proffesional, if any proffesional stumbles on this and might want to lend a hand its a great opportunity for us and highly appriciated. Also keep in mind the person that takes this offer gets connections in sweden and we will recomend them forward. This is an opportuniy for uppcoming interperters to have their chance to get future jobs.

anyway thank you for youre advice, if our budget makes it possible for a smal fee then conciderd. Thank you very much for replying.
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