Thread: Post a poem!!!
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(#635 (permalink))
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metalmark666 (Offline)
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Posts: 70
Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Gosport
Post Dial 'D' for Death... - 01-28-2010, 10:45 PM

I shouldn't have done it,
Nothing important was said,
When I answered my phone,
And ran over your head.

It was just pure instinct,
As I flew down the street,
The car tore into your body,
Like a butcher with meat.

This scenario is crazy,
It's all going nuts,
Everyone is covered,
In your blood and your guts.

My brake peddle stopped working,
And things are getting worse,
As I mow down a teacher,
And off duty nurse.

I panic and freeze,
My body goes tense,
Old lady bounces off windscreen,
And into a fence.

All this death and carnage
Must be put to an end,
As I mince up dogs and owner,
Coming up to a bend.

The idea is split second,
I head for a wall,
Bricks and mortar have stopped me,
Along with a kid playing ball.

This story is over,
Maybe pushed a little too far,
But the moral is simple,
Don't use phones when driving a car.

Please read my diary that I wrote when travelling and working in Japan for three months. It is also packed full of information. I hope that it can inspire you to have an adventure too.
Please contact me if I can help you with advice or information.

Japan 2008: Memoires of a Gaijin A.K.A. A Journey Through the Land of the Rising Sun
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