Originally Posted by MMM
I agree with Nyororin. The voice and face of the company will be the person you hire for interpretation. You say you are not looking for a professional, but you want a native Japanese speaker who is fluent and experienced in business English.
Not only do you want them to interpret your meetings, but you want them to make the contacts and book and schedule the meetings as well? For free? That could take days of phone calls and emails.
I can understand a model or photographer spending a couple hours on a shoot to get experience and meet with potential employers, but do you also not pay the light rental company, studio, craft services, etc? Interpretation does not fall into the same category as photog or model.
The level of person you are looking for is not trying to "break into" the business...he or she is already a pro. You don't want to risk your business on anyone less than a professional, unless you can afford to lose ties with Japanese clothing makers.
I totally agree, if you want a pro you are going to have to work it into your budget, no professional is going to waste their time with you working for cookies. But seeing as how you are a new business and taking chances, perhaps you need to lower your standards and take a chance on someone that is trying to break into the profession. They might not be perfect, but beggars can't be choosers, and you sound like beggars right now.