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01-29-2010, 07:43 AM

Wow it felt awkward to read through such a personal passage...

I`ll do a quick fly through translation too. I don`t know the background, so where stuff is left out I`ll just have to guess, but here - a translation from a female;

True Feelings

People aren`t so quick to change, so I would have to accept you as you are - but I hate a guy who considers his female friends so important that he talks to them all the time.
No matter how many times you *say* I`m important to you - if you`re calling another girl up while I`m in the room and talking to her for so long, whining like a girl about everything... It`s hopeless. I don`t know how to explain it better, but doing something like that shows you are insincere. If you`re really a man, you`d suffer through it and put forth some effort - not complain constantly.
You say you`re treating me well, but it sure doesn`t feel like it on my end. "I`ll buy you a Coach." "I`ll give you money to live on.".. It`s not about the money. "Haven`t I done so much for you?" - It kind of defeats the point if you SAY that, don`t you think?

I really have to doubt your sanity when you say stuff like "I live with another girl - just the two of us - you should live with us too." I really want you to realize just how abnormal that is without me getting angry and pointing it out.
Anyone normal and decent like Molly would say that is weird. Anyone who *doesn`t* say that is the same as you - totally insensitive. And I really cannot believe that you praise someone that insensitive, saying how nice they are - it`s insane.


And I`ll get to the rest after I get home - need to go pick up my son from kindergarten now. I took a couple liberties with the translation, made it sound a bit more natural (in my opinion) to what she is trying to say to you.

ETA; Home now - here is the rest.

"But she`s calling all the time, concerned about us?" - You keep saying this girl who continually gives you these obvious "lines" is so nice... I really find it hard to agree with what you consider "nice". Girls are calculating. We`re not simple like guys are - even if there is no calculation involved we naturally move on what will be to our advantage. So don`t tell me you understand what women are thinking. "I don`t know what she is thinking. She is a bit scary." is how it *should* be. It would be nothing but a pain to live with two women. Anyone who REALLY understands women would know that much.
You seem to think that you have a perfectly equal friendship-only relationship with that girl. I think that is what I find the most frightening.

I have no idea how you are going to interpret this Japanese. I wish I could just say this to you directly... It`s so frustrating.
And even though I have complained this much, I still find myself hoping a tiny bit that things will work out - pathetic, aren`t I. "Maybe someone will translate this for him..." But I really don`t want anyone else to see this. But I guess sending it in Japanese to begin with was a bit mean of me.
I`m sorry.

The end.

Note to KyleGoetz - セリフ is 台詞 - in this context, like "lines". The type she`s heard so many times before.

And to the OP.
You may not be looking for advice here, but - sorry.
So... You want your girlfriend to come and live with you, but you already live together with another girl... Who you continually praise, and who calls you all the time/you call her all the time - neglecting your girlfriend. Ouch. Don`t you think that`s a little... odd? And on top of that, if she expresses concern or unhappiness about that situation, you bring up the fact that you`ve spent so much time or money on her?
You hit the BIGGEST relationship no-nos I can think of short of flat out cheating on her.

If anyone is trying to find me… Tamyuun on Instagram is probably the easiest.

Last edited by Nyororin : 01-29-2010 at 08:46 AM.
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