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Nyororin (Offline)
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01-29-2010, 09:05 AM

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
Statements like this bug me, and we get them here once in a while. I know you aren't asking, but since it is a public forum, I'll give you some food for thought.

She has decided not to see you, and there is no future with you. That is not a "rough patch" that is a "break up". You may feel it is something you can work through, but she doesn't. Please don't torture this girl any further. Let her go so she can go on to find a guy that will treat her how she wants to be treated.
I wholeheartedly agree with this. There are some things that cannot be worked through, that cannot be simply called a "rough patch".

The "I`m sorry" at the end of her message doesn`t read as an "I`m sorry for writing this in Japanese" - it reads as "I`m sorry, but this is the end." She is pointing out things that you should have realized on your own, that should have been obvious to you without her bringing them up. Even if you were to change these things after she got upset about them, it would mean close to nothing. Plus, you`ve tried to blackmail her into continuing the relationship with some line of "But I`ve invested so much into you." or the like. From the view of a girl, that reduces everything you`ve done so far to dust. It`s not kindness if you are doing it for your own advantage.

Just let her go.

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