Originally Posted by MMM
I find it very interesting that more than 50% of JF thinks they could go for years without eating food from their own culture.
I find it interesting that you feel the need to comment on that. I'm guessing you figured people would freak out by your question because you think our comfort food is nothing but pizza, pasta, hamburgers, etc, and we coudln't live on something else. Or maybe because you yourself have had trouble adapting to Japanese food, and expect everyone else to have the same complications and struggles.
You've already stated several times that people are reading too far in to your question, so if you wish for me to read it as it is, then I shall. As such, you did not ask for us to take comfort in to mind, or to eat foods we enjoyed or recognized. I'm surprised 100% of JF didn't vote years, because if any individual is thrown in to a culture and has to live off of their meals, they would. They wouldn't die from lack-of-cheeseburger, or lack-of-pizza. Comfortable or not, they would survive.
I'm sure the bigger problem here would be finding and/or fixing the food, rather than the food itself