01-29-2010, 05:33 PM
I've found when abroad I can usually last a week or so before I start really craving food from home, however I do have wheat allergies which makes eating at the best of times quite difficult, more so when I'm in a culture foriegn to the one I'm used to.
In England I could easily get allergy friendly foods, but if I had to live on just Japanese food it'd obviously be a lot more difficult to find things I'm able to eat. I think I'll survive mind, after all there is food I can eat in Japan such as fruits, veg and meats, even if it means a lot of home cooking, lol. Although really it'll be a week before I start wishing I could eat something I was more familiar with :P
Edit: Like 'PockyMePink' said, I think the biggest problem most people would have is finding the food and/or preparing it, rather than the actual food itself.
Last edited by RobinMask : 01-29-2010 at 05:36 PM.