Originally Posted by m3tias
this kanjis
what means ? or give me the kanjis in text format
and this is hiragana ne???

野露 But I sure as hell don't know what it means. Neither Wikipedia-JA nor Wikipedia-EN know. Eijiro (a very good online dictionary) doesn't know.
To me, it evokes an image of a field covered with dew. Serendipitous, considering during my drive home a few minutes ago Sting's "Fields of Gold" came on the radio.
Yes, the other is ね.
Where did you find the kanji pair? Everything on Google either is a name, is Chinese, or has no context pretty much. I found one link that uses it in context:
To me, it looks like it is something difficult to overcome—perhaps a place name within that game? Some sort of "wild and wet/hidden" place? I look forward to hearing a native's opinion on this matter!
It's not a place in real life as far as I can tell. Google Maps only finds five locations, and they're all in China:
野露 - Google Maps