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(#97 (permalink))
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Sashimister (Offline)
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01-31-2010, 02:53 AM

Originally Posted by munzy View Post

なんだけど、映画とかでタバコ吸っているシーンが出て くるとちょっと危ない![/b]
- somehow, in a movie, a scene of inhaling tabacco - when it comes out, is a bit dangerous!
No one, absolutely no one, can start a sentence with なんだけど.

So I will just deal with 映画とかでタバコ吸っているシーンが出てくるとちょっ と危ない.

You didn't understand the ちょっと危ない part.

It means "When there's a scene in a movie or something where someone is smoking, I feel like smoking myself."  

It puts the speaker's non-smoking life in danger.

I don't understand this too:

Dog?/ Cat?
Why ignore the 派?

That means "Are you a dog-lover or a cat-lover?"

「メスならかわいがれる。オスには愛情を注げないなあ 。豆おつかれさまです!箱みたいな(笑)」
"I can love the female (animals). Males, I couldn't pour my love into."

豆おつかれさまです!箱みたいな makes NO sense.
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