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(#19 (permalink))
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Salvanas (Offline)
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01-31-2010, 11:39 AM

I want to comment on the "loss of creativity" in schools that Tyrien brought up.

Personally, I despise artists (Of many kinds), and art critics. Someone who bases their life on such pointless things and brings nothing to the society just angers me.

And you'll be surprised. You say that creativity is diminishing, but I see a load more students leaning towards the arts as careers. Why? Because they fail at the other more daunting courses.

I'm not saying artists don't bring anything to the world. Because they do, but that effect is minimal. We have no need of artists. We don't require 500 people trying to draw paintings for us. We require teachers, doctors, lawyers, and many others.

I've always said, and always kept to this saying.

"People go into the arts because they failed at the more challenging career choices. People who fail at art, become photographers."

People WILL find that offensive, and I couldn't give two s***s to be honest.
This is my view, one I will never change. Artists will always be at the bottom of the grid.

Note: Artists as in photographers, and painting. There are some arts, like literacy, which is needed in life.

- “I've been lucky. I'll be lucky again.” -
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