Originally Posted by MMM
Why do I feel like we are being asked to do someone's homework again?
Love is selfish, huh?^^
Anyway, I'm not really religios so I'll ceep that logical:
The 'fear of death' is a natural protection instinct which prevents from doing dangerous things.
Even though I wouldn't call that fear, there's a nice word for it in German but I suppose a word with that connotation doesn't exist in english.
If you die, why would you need to care about that? You're dead!
And the world will not stop spinning because you're dead.
Sure some people will be sad, but the will move on.
You'll have to die, sooner or later, that doesn't make SUCH a big difference.
All you can do I make the best of the short time you were given. Means if you can reach something good with you're death it may not be a bad choice.
For the greater good.
Moreover this fear can really stress you if you think about it too much^^
So in my opinion if you have respect for death(you don't do any totally insane things) theres nothing to fear for.
Fearing to lose your life destroys your life.
(yeah, sounds a bit paradox)