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PockyMePink (Offline)
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01-31-2010, 03:38 PM

Do you think school has a purpouse or is it there to stress you?
Since you've spelled purpose wrong, maybe you'er not utilizing your schooling enough

Hard subjects, for example, such as Math and Science, especially in high school can be very confusing and in the end, alot of the stuff you learn only people entering certain fields or careers need those skills. I think these should be electives!
So electives such as art are what we SHOULD be taking, since EVERY career uses art skills?
Math and Science are used in many various fields, a lot more than the average elective is. While you may not end up using them, they're the facts and figures of life. They're the basics, and you would end up using them before you would a random elective.

Someone said a class for everything Tax should be required and I agree, It's a useful skill so that you are not stressed out. Also like they said, cooking classes as well.
My school has around 300 people in it, and is poor when compared to the average high school. We offer classes dealing with taxes. They're harder and more stressful than your average math class, but if WE offer them, then I'm sure you offer something similar. Maybe you just haven't looked deep enough into what your school offers.

Also learning anout World Cultures through language classes!! Our kids are our future! We should teach them how to appreciate culture so that war does not break.
Many schools teach languages.
Disrespect for culture is NOT what causes wars. People and their actions cause wars. Maybe you should be paying more attention in history class.
Also, I've had some of my classes touch up on the culture subject. Many people snickered and called it weird. Point is, you can't teach respect from a text book. Respect and appreciation for culture is better left self-taught.

One last thing, Politics: How To Be A Future Politic and NOT be Arrogant People Trying to Get Everyone To Live Your Way- America- Nuff said!
How would politics be more useful than math?
I'm going into an art field, and I don't see how politics would affect me whatsoever. I'd use math and science before I'd use politics. Also, as said before, look in to your own curriculum, I'm sure there are some politics classes.
(and great, you named please name the hundreds of other countries that think the same way)

Do you think we should still learn the way we do? Or "Prepare for life " In a different way? . . .
Since when was high school the only schooling that could prepare us for life? There's college, and even hands on experiences like GETTING A JOB. There are many ways we can prepare for life, and while it may start in high school, the limit definately isn't high school.
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